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2020, 21, & 22 have been strange years for everyone. Notwithstanding the pandemic, we’ve produced a series of physical therapy videos for PPMD, given virtual keynotes and commencement addresses, taken major strides in developing an inspirational podcast (which will be published shortly), and moved our Hope Kits almost to the finish line.
Mitchell’s Journey Foundation was thrilled to partner with PPMD in producing a series of physical therapy videos. Under the direction of PPMD’s Kathi Kinnett and Claudia Senesac, PT, PhD, PCS (University of Florida), we produced instructional videos that demonstrate current physical therapy guidelines for people living with Duchenne.
Combined, the Mitchell’s Journey Foundation produced 19 videos for ambulatory, non-ambulatory, and mobility devices.
Visit PPMD’s website to see the series.
In November 2020, Mitchell’s Journey was asked to give a keynote aimed at parents and care providers on how to make the most of the time we have.
The conference was held in Israel and our keynote translated in Hebrew and Arabic. Here’s a link to the video.
Another area close to our hearts is the medical community. We were blessed to once-again, speak to a graduating class of medical professionals about to enter the workforce.
This keynote offered insights on what happens on the other side of medicine along with a tender reflection on the impact medical professionals have on patients and care providers, long after we leave their care.