Then, in the Fall of 2012, when it was discovered Mitchell's heart was failing, another letter referenced this same abyss: "Today Natalie and I sit with Mitch on the edge of an invisible cliff. He can't see it, but my wife and I can - and the mouth of the abyss is yawned and inching to devour our son. Yet, Mitchell looks out into the vast horizon unaware, and envisions a long, bright future ahead of him. In his little mind, he is already making big plans. He wants to build a home next to ours with a tunnel connecting our basements so he and his dad can watch movies and make popcorn. He wants to work for his dad when he's older. He talks about his own kids one day and how he’ll raise them like we raised him. As he points to his vision of the future with youthful enthusiasm and a zest for life, he doesn't realize that he sits on the outermost edge and the ground from under him has crumbled away into the darkness – and his little body is hanging on by a pebble. What Mitchell doesn't understand is the beautiful horizon he sees is only a mirage and in reality the sun is setting on his own life."
Therefore, this art depicts Mitchell's life crumbling from beneath him. In the horizon Mitch envisioned a home and his future family, getting married and a bright future ... not realizing all that he dreamed was soon going to be swallowed up by the abyss.