Timeline of Mitchell's Decline
May 26, 2012
Mitchell's annual echocardiogran revealed his heart deteriorated much sooner than expected. His heart function had deteriorated to a stage not typically seen in kids with DMD until the later stages of the disease. [watch video here]
October 31, 2012
Mitch receives an echocardiogram to assess his heart. We were told therapies weren't working and that Mitch was at risk of sudden death. Mitch was in serious trouble. Mitch had an EF of 21%. [watch video here]
November 6, 2012
Cardiologist perform another series of tests and discover continued decline in heart function. Mitchell's doctor turns his case over to the transplant team.
November 21, 2012
We meet with the transplant director and were told Mitchell would be denied a heart transplant - citing his diagnosis was a "complete contraindication to transplant". He is given a few months to a few years to live. Mitch has an EF of 11%. [watch video here]
December 25, 2012
Mitch was sick. We thought he had a cold. Looking back, we see things differently.
January 4, 2013
An MRI reveals Mitchell's EF was now at 5% and that therapies were failing. [watch video here]
January 22, 2013 | 9:30 PM
Mitchell calls his father a little past bed-time and says his heart feels really funny. The sensation disappates quickly. Mitch seemed fine for the next few days.
January 28, 2013
Mitchell's grandparents (Dee and Carol Rees) give him a puppy. Mitch was in love. Tender mercy. [watch video here]
January 29, 2013
Mitch started throwing up at home. It was then we realized he was showing signs of heart failure. Mitchell's grandmother (Jerri) comes to SLC to spend time with Mitch.
January 30, 2013
Mitch and family go sleigh riding in Park City. Mitch seemed fine until evening. He didn't eat.
January 31, 2013
Mitch continues to feel sick. We took him to Red Robin hoping that he would eat one of his favorite meals. He nibbled on a chicken wing and threw up at the table. He wanted to go home.
February 2, 2013
Mitch was in incredible pain. His stomach hurt and he was crying for a few hours. We monitored him closely and he started to feel better. By then we had a sense things were not going to get better. [watch video here]
February 3, 2013 | 9:00 AM
We took Mitch to the Emergency room first thing in the morning. By the time we got to the CICU he almost died.
February, 4, 2013
We were told by the doctors that Mitch was experiencing end-stage heart failure and that he had days left. We were mortified and heart-broken. Mitch, unaware, just wanted to go home.
February 8, 2013
We told doctors we wanted to take Mitch home that day - provided we could administer the same medications to him. Mitch was released to hospice care. The ride home was the longest drive of our life.
February 12, 2013
Pat Furlong, CEO of PPMD called and said she had been following our story and wanted to help Mitch get an LVAD. We were in a race to see if it would work. Mitch showed continued signs of organ failure.
February 22, 2013
Doctors in Utah are unwilling to take a patient they didn't operate on. Poor communication between doctors and faulty assumptions created an environment that was too risky to move forward. Too much was happening, too late.
February 24, 2013
Mitchell's heart function begins to decline and he starts sleeping more than usual.
February 27, 2013
Mitchell's cardiologist approves a bump in his Milrinone dose. Instead of helping him, it hurts him and he is never the same.
February 28 2013
Mitchell shows signs he has entered the phase of active dying. His kidneys begins to fail.
March 1, 2013
Mitchell doesn't open his eyes, though he is still alert and can answer questions by squeezing our hands. By about 10:00 AM, he develops a fever and his face becomes. This marked the beginning of the end.
March 2, 2013
Mitchell passed away from heart failure.
March 9, 2013
March 12, 2013
In Memoriam.