Bryant Mamea



Rykert was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy 6 years ago when he was only 4 years old. Rykert has been a fighter these past 6 years. We knew one day he would have to be in a wheelchair. That time has come. This past weekend Rykerts Specialist here in Utah told us They want Ry to get a Power Wheelchair. We will also be getting him a walker to still help him walk as much as he still can during this transition. As difficult as it is to accept this, we are also happy that Rykert will be able to have more Mobility in school out at recess as well as around places he goes. It will give Rykert the Independence and freedom back that has been taken away from him by the difficulty of walking. Rykert like usual has been the most accepting and loving of this big change. Always happy and looking at the Positive in life. He is excited to get a wheel chair and have his Uncle Brandon super charge it to make him the cool kid on the block.

As we are looking to get Rykerts wheel chair, His insurance will only pay 80% of the bill. We are needing help to get him the proper wheelchair he is needing, as well as the equipment around the house to help him around. (Ramp to get in the house as well as into his van). We are asking family and friends for any help possible. Even if it is to just share this post with people you know. This is a cause worth fighting for. We are Grateful for those who have helped us in the past with all our 5k runs we have done to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association . Again , Thank you for loving our son these past 10 years. He is a hero to many and maybe not muscle wise but attitude and loving one of the strongest kids you will ever get to know. We LOVE YOU RYKERT.

Caden Gibbs

Our son Caden is 14 years old and has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Caden is in need of a safer, more supportive system to help with his bathing needs due to his weakening muscles. The bathing system we have in mind would really make his care much easier on him and on us and we feel that he deserves the best of care. The insurance company will not cover such items as they are not deemed medically necessary and it is very expensive. We can’t afford to purchase it and, we are hoping that together our friends and family can help us out. We have many bills that are not being covered by insurance and we want to be able to give Caden everything he deserves. If you could find a way to help support Caden with a donation of any denomination, we would be forever grateful. Thank you so much for supporting our Cadendiddy. We are so blessed to have such giving and supportive friends and family. Thank you...


Louis Garcia

The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Nulla eu pretium massa. Aenean eu justo sed elit dignissim aliquam. Donec eu est non lacus lacinia semper.