Mitchell's Journey

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A few months ago (the day before Mitchell’s birthday, in fact) I was informed that KSL, our local NBC news affiliate, was given the Gabriel Award for their short documentary on Mitchell’s Journey. According to the organization, "The single most important criterion of a Gabriel winning film or program is its ability to uplift and nourish the human spirit." 

When Candice Madsen, a producer-turned-friend, told me about the honor they received for their work (her work) on Mitchell’s Journey, I wept. I wept deeply for my son and wished there was some other way. At the same time my heart was breaking, I was awash with a feeling of peace – for I knew the work of the soul was far more important than that of our mortal bodies. Still, I missed my little boy and fell to my knees in a most curious blend of grief and gratitude. Grief that I lost him, gratitude that I had him.

I do not seek attention or recognition. As I’ve said before, I wished only to live out my life in the quite of our backyard and comfort of our living room … invisible to the world. This page … it was only meant to be a quiet place to update friends and family. And though it has grown a little since then, I hope it remains a quiet place of reflection on life & love, souls and suffering and our Father’s tender mercies.