I was asked by a mother from Colorado if she could make a t-shirt with Mitchell’s saying, “Be nice to each other and be glad you’re alive. Nothing else matters.” Their local school district dedicated today to promote kindness, respect, and peace – and this sweet family wanted to offer Mitchell’s message to the conversation. Their focus today is to have a day without hate. A beautiful, hopeful, and timely message Mitchell’s Journey can get behind.
This sweet girl, Isabella, has known of little Mitchell’s story for more than half her life now and she’s grown attached to his messages of love, courage, and kindness. I remember her mother sending me a video shortly after Mitchell passed away. A much younger Isabella pointed to a beautiful array of colors in a dimly lit sky and said in the tenderest of voices, “It’s Mitchell.” She knew Mitch loved sunrises and sunsets and wondered if he was there, somewhere in the beautiful horizon.
So, when Isabella’s mother sent me these photos last night, my eyes welled with tears of gratitude. She even used purple and gold, Mitchell’s two favorite colors. I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for good people like the Lozano family – who we’ve come to know and love. I also felt grateful for the many people on this earth who share goodness and love – for in the end, as little Mitch taught me, that’s all that really matters.
Perhaps all of us, wherever we live, can do something today that promotes kindness, respect and peace – in memory of little Mitch and in hope for a better world.
A much younger Isabella who grew up learning Mitchell's message of hope and love.
Another Image of Isabella - promoting awareness of DMD, the disease that took our son's life.