Whenever possible, I like to create things that remind me of the many blessings I've encountered in life. If I'm not mindful, it is easy to forget; and when I forget, I can't be grateful ... and when I'm not grateful, it is difficult to find peace and joy. I've discovered there is a direct link between gratitude and joy, thankfulness and healing.
Tonight, on the eve of Mitchell's passing, I decided to make a desktop wallpaper that was symbolic of a portion of his journey. I started out making it for me ... but then I thought to share it here, too.
“If I’m not mindful, it is easy to forget; and when I forget, I can’t be grateful ... and when I’m not grateful, it is difficult to find peace and joy. I’ve discovered there is a direct link between gratitude and joy, thankfulness and healing.”
On the left, a beautiful sunset that little Mitch loved so. Fireflies hugged the base of a tree. Mitch always wanted to capture some in a jar but never had an opportunity in this life. Ducks gathered near - he always loved to feed them with his mom at a local pond. Then, birds flocked toward the setting sun - Mitch loved birds.
As the wallpaper progresses there is a patch of darkness which represents the peril our family encountered - an experience that taught me how to see in the dark. Then, in the center is Ethan pushing his little brother. To me this symbolizes the sacred conversation Ethan had with Mitch just before he passed away; wherein a big brother ushered his younger brother toward the next life. Ever by his side. Ever the faithful friend. That conversations between brothers was one of Mitchell's last.
Continuing forward, there are hints of heavenly constellations in the night sky - representing the many tender mercies our son received on his difficult journey I have not labeled them here because they are private, but they are very real. Then a few hints that perhaps [spiritual] reality is far different than we might imagine. After all, as we are reminded in ancient scriptures as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are God's thought higher than our thoughts, his ways than our ways." Lastly, the north star; representing the place we all hope to go in the next life.
I've uploaded this wallpaper to mitchellsjourney.org for any who might benefit from a gentle reminder that tender mercies exist ... and that heaven walks before each of us to prepare the way for our life experience. I don't know many things, but that much I know.
Tonight my heart is filled with tender emotions, but it is also filled with feelings of love and gratitude. There is a measure of peace amid the pain. All is well.
Tri-Screen Desktop Wallpaper
This wallpaper series was designed for multiple monitors.