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[T]hat old September feeling, left over from school days, of summer passing, vacation nearly done, obligations gathering, books and football in the air ... Another fall, another turned page: there was something of jubilee in that annual autumnal beginning, as if last year's mistakes had been wiped clean by summer.”

Wallace Stegner, Angle of Repose



September Theme: On Embracing Change & Growth

Embracing change, growth and exploring the challenges that change us.

The first in a series entitled, "Letters to My Son", this video explores the journey of coping with grief and change.

Excerpts from Mitchell's Journey essays you can share on social media.  If you have a quote you love, let us know!

A thought-provoking allegory and exercise to help you assess at what cost you are pursuing some of your life goals.



The Person You Become

Over the course of our lives, we shed parts of our old selves, embrace new ones, and redefine who we are. This hour, TED speakers explore ideas about the experiences that shape the person we become.

Link to podcast here.



Are we simply the sum of our experiences? Or can we choose our own path? In this hour, TED speakers share stories of undergoing remarkable transformations despite extraordinary challenges.

Link to podcast here.

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This month our essays will focus on the theme of embracing change and the origins of growth. Pointing to stories of Mitch and other observations, we'll explore ways to get the most out of our circumstances and see silver linings.

  • I Search For Words, Yet There Are None - Mitch gazed out the window and began to contemplate the end of his life. A look at seeing then hand of God in our lives, despite the suffering we must endure.

  • Pencils & Erasers - A short story about learning and trying again.

  • I Don't Know How to Help, But I Know How To Be A Friend - A story about the healing power of friendship during difficult times.

  • A Backpack Filled to Overflowing - Like our children that collect and carry little treasures, we can collect treasured experiences that will carry with us in this life and beyond.

  • What Children Remember - When stumbling into a drawing from little Mitch, we learned a poignant truth about how our kids see hardship.

  • Traveling Well - In honor of Mitch and in hope of others on September 7th, Duchenne Awareness Day, a re-share of a poignant video illustrating the impact DMD has on families.

  • 20 Years - Reflections on little Mitch and 20 years of marriage.

  • Hard Things - Mitchell's first day of school & being brave