Physical Therapy Instructional Videos Christopher JonesSeptember 3, 2019PPMD, Physical Therapy, Mitchell's Journey In Action, Mitchell's Journey FoundationComment
Filming PPMD Instructional PT Video Christopher JonesMay 4, 2019Mitchell's Journey In Action, Mitchell's Journey Foundation, PPMD, FilmingComment
Keynote @ PPMD Healthcare Summit Christopher JonesJanuary 23, 2019Speaking, Mitchell's Journey FoundationComment
MITCHELL'S JOURNEY / GUATEMALA Christopher JonesNovember 16, 2018Mitchell's Journey In Action, Mitchell's Journey Foundation, Educators, EducationComment
Saying Goodbye to a DMD Family in Ireland Christopher JonesOctober 10, 2018Speaking, Mitchell's Journey In ActionComment
Radio Interview in Ireland Christopher JonesOctober 7, 2018Mitchell's Journey In Action, Mitchell's Journey Foundation, Radio, InterviewComment
AN EVENING WITH ARCHIE & THE BOYS Christopher JonesOctober 6, 2018Mitchell's Journey Foundation, Mitchell's Journey In Action, Miles For MitchellComment
Mitchell's Journey on the Love Your Story Podcast Christopher JonesSeptember 19, 2018Mitchell's Journey In Action, Podcast, InterviewComment
Article Translated In Spanish Christopher JonesJuly 18, 2018News, Article, Mitchell's Journey In Action, Mitchell's Journey FoundationComment
Article on Mitchell's Journey Christopher JonesJuly 16, 2018Miles For Mitchell, Mitchell's Journey Foundation, Mitchell's Journey In Action, PPMD, SpeakingComment
2018 PPMD Keynote Address Christopher JonesJune 30, 2018PPMD, Mitchell's Journey In Action, Mitchell's Journey FoundationComment
2018 PPMD Keynote Christopher JonesJune 29, 2018PPMD, Mitchell's Journey In Action, Mitchell's Journey FoundationComment
Spending Time With Newly Diagnosed Families Christopher JonesJune 27, 2018PPMD, Mitchell's Journey In Action, Mitchell's Journey FoundationComment