EveryDay Photos_Logo.png


Practical Exercises [Coming Soon]

Here are a list of other topics and exercises we'll release soon.  Check back for updates!

  • Start Where You Are
  • Observe
  • Shoot What It Feels Like
  • Idea Starters
  • Shooting for Instagram
  • Shoot a Photo Essay
  • 5 Object, 5 Stories
  • Shape
  • Story Structure
  • Stories Within Stories
  • Moments
  • Linger Longer

Photos & The Stories Behind Them [Coming Soon]

  • The Story of Mitch & Photos
  • Coloring
  • Serendipity
  • Little Signatures
  • Mother & Son
  • Playground
  • Stumble
  • Christmas Memories
  • On Life & Dying
  • The Shadow of Death Looming
  • Wishing It Weren't SO

Tips on Composition


A well composed photo is an interesting photo.  Having an eye for composition will give your photos the look of a professional's.  Really if you just understand a few basic things about composition, you can get the most out of your subjects.  Even the most ordinary, everyday items–shoes, an old hat, a coffee mug–can become a star in a well-composed photo.  


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Practice your shots using the rule of thirds and Fibonacci principle.


If you have any trouble with this tutorial, email info@mitchellsjourney.org and I will personally address your questions or concerns.  Also, if you have questions, feedback on how we can make this course better or if you simply want to brainstorm about your own photos, please reach out.  

We're listening!