- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Any Camera Will Do
- Embrace Imperfections
- Capturing Life in Motion
- Limiting Interruptions
- Capturing Simplicity
- Capturing Stories
- Photo Essay: The Great Fire
- Understanding Light
- Tips on Composition
Practical Exercises [Coming Soon]
As you become more familiar with taking everyday photos, you can start to work on the quality of your photos by learning and applying the following principles. These are simple tips designed to help you become aware of other principles that apply to photography.
- Start Where You Are
- Observe
- Shoot What It Feels Like
- Idea Starters
- Shooting for Instagram
- Shoot a Photo Essay
- 5 Object, 5 Stories
- Shape
- Story Structure
- Stories Within Stories
- Moments
- Linger Longer
Photos & The Stories Behind Them [Coming Soon]
- The Great Fire
- The Story of Mitch & Photos
- Coloring
- Serendipity
- Little Signatures
- Mother & Son
- Playground
- Stumble
- Christmas Memories
- On Life & Dying
- The Shadow of Death Looming
- Wishing It Weren't SO
Capturing Stories
When it comes to taking everyday photos, don't worry so much about taking photos, instead try to capture stories.
The most interesting photos we long to see from times past aren't the images that give everything away, like a portrait where everyone smiles and wears matching outfits; instead, we want photos that help us visit moments of our life story.
![illustration [Converted].png](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57b93284e4fcb5fdb2aa62c0/1505283168785-JDO14XH5YQXNJFD6UQ9M/illustration+%5BConverted%5D.png)
Your task today is to capture a little story from your day. Ideas include:
- What work looks like
- Going to school
- Capture your commute
Sample Stories that Showcase Everyday Photos